509 Design Office Conditional Use Permit - The applicant is proposing to convert an existing institutional building into an interior design office and small product showroom.
AH Land Preliminary Short Plat - The owner is proposing to divide parcel addressed as 1728 W. Buckeye Ave. into 2 lots for the purpose of creating lots for residential development.
Airway Heights Mini-Storage - The applicant is seeking to increase the size of a mini-storage project up to 16 acres in a Light Industrial zone.
Ash Place Preliminary Long Plat - The applicant is proposing to subdivide three parcels in the RSF zone (R1 effective 01/01/24) into 21 lots for constructing attached housing.
Cora Hill Preliminary Short Plat - The applicant is proposing to subdivide an existing parcel into 7 lots; with access off of Courtland and access off of Cora.
Cornerstone Preliminary Short Plat - The owner is proposing to divide parcel 35063.3902 into 2 lots for the purpose of creating lots for new residential development.
Costello Final Short Plat - The applicant is proposing to divide 2 existing parcels (2 acres) into 6 lots, retaining 1 existing residence & creating 5 lots for single family dev.
Crestview Estates Preliminary Short Plat - The applicant is proposing to divide two stormwater tracts (A and B) in the Residential Single-family (RSF) zone into a total of four parcels.
Decatur Townhomes Preliminary Short Plat - The owner is proposing to divide parcel 36312.2022 addressed as 1307 W Decatur into 3 lots for the purpose of a new townhome development.
Five Mile Spokane Preliminary Short Plat - The applicant is proposing to divide one parcel into 8 parcels for the purpose of constructing seven (7) 4-plexes with shared access and parking.
Forest Grove Preliminary Long Plat - The applicant is proposing to subdivide three large parcels into 79 single family lots and one stormwater tract.
Kendall Yards - Kendall Yards is a planned community encompassing approximately 78 acres of land on the north bank of the Spokane River.
Kendall Yards Premera SSDP - Shoreline substantial Development Permit for foundation excavation, grading, landscaping and hardscape.
Key Preliminary Short Plat - The applicant is proposing to subdivide portions of 2 existing parcels into 9 lots – 2 large parcels for the existing homeowners and 7 new vacant lots
Lincoln Duplexes Preliminary Short Plat - The applicant is proposing to subdivide parcel addressed as 5327 N. Lincoln St. into three lots with the intent to construct a duplex on each lot.
Mansfield Grocery Conditional Use Permit - The applicant is proposing a Retail Sales and Service use (grocery store) in the existing structure located at 601 W. Mansfield Ave.
McCarroll East 4th Addition Final Plat - The applicant is proposing to final 21 of 297 approved single family lots. Before this, 107 lots were previously finaled.
Melton Final City Short Plat - The applicant is proposing to divide 1 residential 2-family zoned lot into 2 residential 2-family zoned lots for the purpose of building a new duplex
Melton Preliminary Short Plat - The applicant is proposing to divide 1 residential two-family zoned lot into 2 residential two-family zoned lots to build a new duplex.
Nenno Variance - Request reduction of 15’/20’ front yard setback to 0 feet due to steep slope
Nora Avenue Townhomes Preliminary Short Plat - The applicant is proposing to divide parcel addressed as 2013 W Nora Avenue into three lots for the purpose of constructing attached housing.
Normandie Change of Use CUP - The applicant is proposing to change the use of the southeastern building from an Industrial Service use to Manufacturing and Production.
Oak Bridge Pocket Residential Preliminary Long Plat - The applicant is proposing to demolish all existing structures on the three parcels in question and subdivide 14 attached housing lots and two tracts.
Red Band Preliminary Short Plat - The applicant proposes to subdivide one parcel into 7 for future multi-family development. The plat will be served by City of Spokane sewer and water.
Riverview Preliminary Short Plat - The applicant is proposing to subdivide one parcel into two lots. The existing parcel sits between Grace Ave and Riverview Drive.
Shadle Library Addition Conditional Use Permit - The applicant is proposing a single story 11,875 square foot addition to the existing Shadle Library at the SE corner of Belt and Wellesley.
Shaheen Preliminary Short Plat - The owner/applicant is proposing to divide parcel addressed as 1315 W. Strong Rd. into 4 lots.
SIA Wetland Removal - Spokane International Airport is proposing to remove a Category IV Wetland to construct approx. 500 parking stalls adjacent to West Airport Drive
Spofford Duplexes Preliminary Short Plat - The applicant is proposing to subdivide parcel addressed as 1821 W. Spofford Ave. into four (4) lots with the intent to construct a duplex on each lot
Sportsplex Design Departure - The Spokane Public Facilities District is proposing to construct a 135,000 square foot multi-purpose event venue to be owned and operated by the PFD
West Mission Ave Preliminary Short Plat - The owner is proposing to divide parcels 25132.1126 addressed as 2415 W. Mission Ave., into 2 lots to create lots for new townhome development.
Woodridge View 3rd Addition Preliminary Long Plat - The applicant is proposing to subdivide a portion of a roughly 70 acre parcel into 138 single family lots above Weiber Drive at the municipal boundary
Woodridge View Final Short Plat - The applicant is proposing to final a five-lot short plat, which was approved August 10, 2018.
York Duplexes Preliminary Short Plat - The applicant is proposing to subdivide parcel addressed as 724 W. York Ave. into two lots with the intent to construct a duplex on the child lot.
Arterial Pedestrian Hybrid Beacons - This project enhances pedestrian safety by installing four Pedestrian Hybrid Beacons (PHBs) on busy arterials.
Cycle 12 Traffic Calming - Cycle 12 Traffic Calming involves projects citywide, including new sidewalks, bike lanes, curb extensions, traffic medians, and enhanced crosswalks.
Francis & Assembly Water - Phase One involves installing a new water transmission main from the Low Water Pressure System to the NW Terrace Water Pressure System.
Bridge Ave CSO Tank (IO4) - The City of Spokane Engineering Department is proposing a 0.8-1.0 million gallon CSO tank at the Bosch Lot site.
Bridge Ave. to Summit Pkwy. Street Name Change - The proposal is to rename the public right-of-way of Bridge Avenue to be designated Summit Parkway, for one block, between Lincoln and Monroe streets.
Centennial Alley Street Name Change - Proposing to change the name of Centennial Alley to Centennial Way to provision for emergency service response and improve geo-location accuracy.
Costello Preliminary Short Plat - The applicant is proposing to divide 2 existing parcels into 6 lots, retaining 1 existing residence & creating 5 lots for single family development
Cottages at River Run 1st Addition - Final plat for Cottages at River Run 1st Addition, to include 19 lots and 1 drainage tract on approximately 4.17 acres.
Elgin Court Preliminary Short Plat - The applicant is proposing to divide an existing Residential Single Family (RSF) lot into two RSF lots.
Ernst Preliminary Short Plat - The applicant is proposing to subdivide the existing development to have the 2 additional structures on their own lots w/ shared access & utilities
Excelsior Youth Center Conditional Use Permit - The applicant is proposing a campus expansion of approximately 22,000 square feet and an increase in number of resident beds from 99 to 115.
Five Mile Booster Station Replacement CUP - The City of Spokane has an existing booster station roughly 1,000 square feet in size, located along Belt Street on this same parcel.
Hamilton Studios Historic Change of Use CUP - The applicant is proposing to add a legal event center to an existing two-story building that currently operates as a photography studio and offices.
Holder Final Short Plat - The applicant is proposing to subdivide an existing 3.07 acre parcel for a total of two lots, located in a developed Residential Single Family zone.
Holder Preliminary Short Plat - The applicant is proposing to subdivide an existing 3.07 acre parcel for a total of two lots, located in a developed Residential Single Family zone.
Interceptor I-03 Control Facility - Engineering Services dept. is proposing to construct a buried 1.8 million gallon CSO prevention tank, along with associated piping and access road.
Kendall Yards Commercial 2nd Addition - The applicant is proposing a final plat of 3 parcels (2.86 acres) into 2 lots. This is a portion of the preliminary plat for the entire development.
Kendall Yards Overlook - The elevated platform is proposed to be about 16 feet above ground level and is accessible by stairs.
Park Place 2nd Addition Final Plat - The applicant is proposing to subdivide two parcels into 50 single-family lots. This is a part of a previously approved preliminary plat from 2005.
Re-Plat of McCarroll Addition Phase 2 Final Plat - This is the second of two phases. Included in this phase is 13 residential lots ranging from 7,161 square feet to 13,259 square feet, all zoned RSF.
Redding Rezone - The applicant is proposing a Rezone to change the existing zoning to the parcels listed above, from Office (O-35) to Office Retail (OR).
Safeway Preliminary City Short Plat - Applicant is proposing a 2 lot preliminary short plat to segregate out the service station portion that is currently together with the grocery store
Sconiers' II Preliminary Plat - The applicant is proposing to subdivide 2 parcels and 1 partial parcel into fifty (50) new single family residential lots.
Sister Cities Garden - Refurbishing and landscaping of portion of Riverfront Park north and west of Howard Street Bridge.
Sisters of Holy Names Final Short Plat - The applicant is proposing to final a preliminary plat, which divides roughly 36 acres of the overall 65 acre parcel into 7 lots.
Sisters of Holy Names Preliminary Short Plat - The applicant is proposing to subdivide 36 acres of an existing +/-68 parcel into seven lots with the intention to construct apartments on each lot.
Slavic Baptist Church - A request for a conditional use permit to build a new school and church facility in a Single Family Zone.
Spokane Public Radio - Learn about the Spokane Public Radio renovation project from Spokane Planning & Development. Find project updates and download related documents.
Emerson-Garfield - In 2012, the Emerson-Garfield neighborhood began a planning process to develop a set of actions that address many neighborhood issues.
Five Mile Prairie - The Five Mile Prairie Neighborhood Planning Stakeholders hired Studio Cascade in June of 2010 to complete a Pedestrian and Bicycle Plan.
North Hill - In 2014, the North Hill neighborhood began a planning process to identify and prioritize goals into an action plan.
West Plains Subarea Planning - The City won a grant from the Dept. of Commerce to lead subarea planning efforts in the West Plains with an emphasis on capital facilities needs.
2021 Residential Grind and Overlay – North - Residential street repaving. Minor storm sewer system repairs and upgrades may also be completed as part of the paving project.
2023 Street Maintenance Curb Ramps - Installation of ADA ramps on streets which will receive a grind and overlay by the street department.
2024 Grind and Overlay Street Maintenance - The City of Spokane Streets Department will be performing routine street maintenance at various locations throughout the 2024 roadwork season.
2024 Street Maintenance Curb Ramps - Installation of ADA ramps on streets which will receive a grind and overlay by the street department.
Cochran Basin Treatment Facilities - Construction of treatment and infiltration ponds at the Downriver Disc Golf Course to treat stormwater generated in the Cochran Basin.
Sundance III Force Main Replacement - This project will upgrade an existing PVC sewer force main to ductile iron pipe on Comanche Dr. from Ridge Crest Drive to Shawnee Avenue.
TJ Meenach Siphon Vaults - Connects the 60" siphon to be installed with TJ Meenach Street and Stormwater Improvements to the existing 60" siphon pipe.
Washington Basin Stormwater Project - The project includes replacing the water & sewer lines and installing 3 large stormwater treatment vaults & drywells to infiltrate the treated water.