2019 Street Name Changes - Applications by the City of Spokane for Street Name Changes from the City of Spokane Planning and Development Services Department.
37th Avenue Townhomes Preliminary Short Plat - The applicant is proposing to subdivide parcel 35333.0923 addressed as 1918 E 37th Ave into four lots for the purpose of constructing attached housing
48 North Final Short Plat - The applicant is proposing to divide two single-family lots with one home into four lots for the purpose of building three new single-family homes.
48 North Preliminary Short Plat - The applicant is proposing to divide two single-family lots with one home into four lots for the purpose of building three new single-family homes.
4th Avenue Townhomes Preliminary Short Plat - The applicant is proposing to subdivide parcels addressed as 2228 E. 4th and 438 S. Stone into five lots for constructing attached housing.
8th Avenue Preliminary Short Plat - The owner is proposing to divide parcel addressed as 3611 E. 8th Ave. into 2 lots for the purpose of residential development.
9th Avenue Townhomes Preliminary Short Plat - The applicant proposes subdividing parcel 25244.5402 addressed as 2009 W 9th Avenue into five lots for the purpose of constructing attached housing.
Adams Preliminary Short Plat - The applicant is proposing to subdivide an existing parcel into two lots, in an Office-Retail zone, and build two separate mixed-use structures.
Amendment to Westridge - The proposal includes reconfiguration/alteration of 24 parcels under one ownership and conversion of two parcels to public rights of way.
Bair Final Short Plat - The applicant is proposing to divide an existing parcel with home into two single family lots in order to build one additional single family home.
Bair Preliminary Short Plat - The applicant is proposing to divide an existing single-family lot in to two lots for the purposes of a new single-family home.
Bond Final Short Plat - The applicant is proposing to final preliminary short plat to divide parcel 35294.0273 addressed as 1215 E Christmas Tree Ln into two parcels.
Bond Preliminary Short Plat - The applicant is proposing to subdivide parcel 35294.0273 into 2 lots for the purpose of constructing a single-family residence.
Bush Car Wash Final Binding Site Plan - The applicant is proposing to subdivide 4.54 acres of vacant land into 7 parcels for commercial use including the construction of a Bush Car Wash.
Canyon Bluffs 3rd Addition Final Plat - The applicant is proposing to final a preliminary long plat (Z2009-09-PPLT) approved on June 9, 2009 by the City of Spokane Hearing Examiner.
Chernioglo 1st Addition Preliminary Short Plat - The owner is proposing to divide parcel addressed as 3918 E. 26th Ave. into 2 lots for the development of new duplex residential buildings.
Chumov Wetland CUP - The applicant is requesting to adjust the wetland buffer for the construction of a single family home, shop, well and septic system.
CSO Outfall Removal - Remove CSO Outfall piping which currently protrudes from the embankment above Latah Creek. Restore the disturbed areas.
Dawley Preliminary Short Plat - The applicant is proposing to subdivide one existing parcel into 2 Two-Family (RTF) lots. This project will be processed as a Type II application.
DDT Preliminary Short Plat - The applicant is proposing to subdivide parcel addressed as 3137 E 28th Ave into two lots for the purpose of constructing a 4-plex.
Deep Pine Overlook - New Preliminary Plat/ PUD/Shoreline Conditional Use Permit/ Floodplain Permit for a 94 single family residential lots on 48 acres.
Durkoop Preliminary Short Plat - The applicant is proposing to subdivide an existing parcel into four single family lots using the Pocket Residential Development Standards.
Dziubenko Preliminary Short Plat - The owner is proposing to divide parcel 25354.0038 addressed as 3840 S. Trainor Rd. into 2 lots.
East 29th Ave Pedestrian Street Designation - The City received a request from the Lincoln Heights Council to designate E 29th Ave between S Martin St and S Fiske St as a Pedestrian Priority Zone.
East Central Community Center Additions CUP - The applicant is proposing a 5,820 sq. ft addition & renovation to the Community Center for the CCS's Head Start program & the MLK Jr Outreach Center
Fahsholtz Preliminary Short Plat - The applicant is proposing to divide an existing single-family lot in to two lots for the purposes of a new single-family home.
Fasholtz Final Short Plat - The applicant is proposing to final a two lot short plat, which was approved March 8, 2018 (preliminary plat number Z18-022PSP)
Garden District PUD - A preliminary plat and a planned unit development on approximately 24.59 acres of land in the Lincoln Heights neighborhood on Spokane's South Hill.
Grandview Preliminary Long Plat - The applicant is proposing to subdivide an approximately 22.35-acre site into 96 single family lots.
Hatch Bridge Replacement SCUP & SSDP - The City is proposing to replace the Hatch Rd. bridge deck, replace pavement on bridge approaches, and install a right turn lane (bridge & Hwy 195).
Kleypas Final Short Plat - The applicant is proposing to divide 1 parcel into 2 for the purpose of retaining an existing single family home and creating 1 new residential unit.
Liberty Park Library CUP - The City of Spokane is proposing a new single story, 13,000 square foot public library with associated utilities, parking and landscaping.
Locarno Preliminary Short Plat - The applicant is proposing to subdivide parcel 35214.2912 located at 1203 S. Crestline St. into two (2) lots.
Luxury Townhomes Preliminary Short Plat - The applicant is proposing to divide parcel addressed as 3018 South Manito Blvd. into 2 lots for the purpose of constructing attached housing.
Manito Blvd. Townhomes Preliminary Short Plat - The owner is proposing to divide parcels addressed as 3404 S. Manito Blvd. into 5 lots for the purpose of creating lots for new townhome development.
McFarlane Preliminary Binding Site Plan - The owner is proposing to divide parcel 15365.1101 addressed as 10921 W. McFarlane Rd. into 20 lots to create developable and sellable lots.
McNairy Final Short Plat - The applicant is proposing to final preliminary McNairy Short Plat (file no. Z21-031).
Mission Ct. Parking Lot - The scope of work is to include a new 8,300 square foot paved parking lot, sidewalks with ramps and swales within the Shoreline Jurisdiction.
Napora 30th Ave Preliminary Short Plat - The applicant proposes subdividing parcel 35342.0220 addressed as 3203 E 30th Avenue into four lots for the purpose of constructing attached housing.
Newark Retail Conditional Use Permit - The applicant is proposing a retail sales and service use in the existing structure located at 1026 E Newark Ave.
Prasser 32nd Ave Final Short Plat - The applicant is proposing to final preliminary short plat Z23-191PSP to divide parcel 35341.1136 addressed as 3917 E 32nd Avenue into two parcels.
Prasser 32nd Ave Preliminary Short Plat - The applicant is proposing to subdivide parcel 35341.1136 at 3917 E 32nd Avenue into two (2) lots for the purpose of constructing a duplex on lot
Primrose Lane Preliminary Short Plat - The owner/applicant is proposing to divide parcel 25233.0605 into 3 lots, retaining an existing home and creating 2 vacant lots for new developments
Radezky Preliminary Short Plat - The owner is proposing to divide parcel 25231.5109 into 2 lots for the purpose of creating lots for new multi-unit development.
River Bend Development Phase 2 Shoreline CUP - New Multi-Family Housing project for approximately 267 units in two new buildings (2A & 2B) within the 200 foot shoreline designation.
Riverday School Conditional Use Permit - The applicant is proposing to convert the existing church building into a small private school to serve no more than 25 students.
Riverfront Park Permitting - The Spokane Parks and Recreation Department is replacing the Howard Street South Channel Bridge (South Channel Bridge).
Rockwood South Hill Final Short Plat - The applicant is proposing to final a preliminary short plat (File number Z19-457PSP) approved with conditions on November 26, 2019.
Seasons on the South Hill – Assisted Living - The applicant is proposing a new assisted living community to include 5 single level homes to house 80 residents, an office, parking, and landscaping
Sherfey 30th Avenue Preliminary Short Plat - Applicant is proposing to subdivide parcel 35341.0738 into two lots. Existing dwelling to remain with demolition of attached garage.
Shirshin Preliminary Short Plat - Applicant is proposing to subdivide contiguous parcels 35274.2704 and 35274.2706 into four (4) lots.
South Gorge Parking Lot & Trail Connection SSDP - Improving an existing nonconforming gravel parking lot that is located at the junction of the South Gorge Trail and the Sandifur pedestrian bridge
Sunset Rezone - The applicant is requesting a zone change from NR-35 and NR-55 (Neighborhood Retail with a height limit of 35ft to a height limit of 55ft)
The Falls - The Falls is a mixed use project comprised of three buildings over below grade parking.
The Summit Preliminary Long Plat - The applicant is proposing 98 new single family lots on roughly 21 acres located at the intersection of Cedar Road and Eagle Ridge Boulevard.
Thor Townhomes Preliminary Short Plat - The applicant is proposing to subdivide two lots in the R2 zone into 6 lots for attached housing at 657 S. Thor Street and 659 S Thor Street.
Victory Heights Preliminary Long Plat/PUD - The applicant is proposing to subdivide 18 parcels, totaling approximately 177.27 acres into 1,003 lots within a PUD overlay.
Vinegar Flats Conditional Use Permit - The applicant is proposing a new cottage development to include 23 new cottages with associated utilities, common areas and landscaping.
Walters Development Preliminary Short Plat - The applicant is proposing to divide 1 parcel in the Residential Single-family (RSF) zone into 2 parcels, an existing home and a new vacant lot.
Williams Preliminary Short Plat - The applicant is proposing to subdivide parcel 35284.0132 at 2711 S Lee St. into 2 lots for the purpose of constructing a duplex on each lot.
Perry Street Sewer Main (19th to 18th Avenue) - This project installs a new 8-inch sewer main and replaces an aging 8-inch cast iron water main along Perry Street, between 19th and 18th Avenues.
Scott Elementary Safe Routes to School - This is a community initiative to enhance pedestrian safety and create safer routes to school for students and residents.
10th Avenue Comprehensive Plan Amendment - A proposed amendment to Chapter 3, Map LU-1, Land Use Plan Map Amendment and a concurrent amendment to the City of Spokane Official Zoning Map.
29th and Martin Parking Lot - Applicant is proposing to construct a new 17-space surface parking lot to be accessory to the office building directly to the west of this parcel.
8th Avenue Comprehensive Plan Amendment - A proposed amendment to Chapter 3, Map LU-1, Land Use Plan Map and a concurrent amendment to the City of Spokane Official Zoning Map.
Anna's Homes Short Plat - This Preliminary Short Plat to subdivide 2 existing 10,800 sq. ft. lots for a total of 4 lots, located in a developed Residential Single Family Zone
Bennett Block Skywalk Staircase Removal - The ordinance would allow for the removal of the exterior stairway located at the northeast corner of Main Avenue and Howard Street.
Clarke Avenue Bank Stabilization - This project is needed to stabilize the slope of the riverbank containing a 15” sanitary sewer line.
Community Detox Services Conditional Use Permit - The applicant is proposing to tear down an existing community detox facility and construct a new 16-bed short term community detox facility.
Convention Center Expansion - The project is the completion of the Spokane Convention Center exhibit hall as approved by Spokane County voters in April 2012.
Convention Center Skywalk - A request for a Skywalk Permit to construct a skywalk over Spokane Falls Blvd. to connect the Spokane Convention Center and the new convention hotel.
Cooke/Shriver Townhouses Variance - Requesting a Variance to exceed the 20% maximum area allowed to be paved in the front yard setback on both street frontages
Development Agreement for CCRC LLC - Notice of Development Agreement Implementing Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map Amendment Ordinance C35309 for Application/Permit Number: Z1400064COMP
Division Street Boat Launch - Shoreline stabilization measures to protect an eroding bank, incorporate a ramp-like sloped pathway allowing access for small non-powered watercraft.
Eagle Ridge 10th Addition Project - The applicant is proposing to final 45 of 2,271 total approved lots of a preliminary plat; file number PLN 83-5.
Eagle Ridge 11th Addition Final Plat - The applicant is proposing to subdivide four parcels into 98 single-family lots of a preliminary long plat PLN 83-5
Flip 30 Preliminary Short Plat - The applicant is proposing to divide 1 parcel into 2, retaining an existing single family home and creating a vacant parcel for future development.
Freya Pines Preliminary Re-Plat - The applicant is proposing to replat 24 existing parcels into 36 buildable lots together with constructing a new city street (25th Ave) in SE Spokane
Garden Park Booster Station - The Water Department is proposing a new concrete masonry booster station to replace the existing booster station at this location.
Glover Field Shoreline Conditional Use Permit - The City and the Spokane Conservation District has partner to construct a public use boat launch for non-motorized boats at Glover Park.
Grand Boulevard Transportation & Land Use Study - The City is launching an effort to consider possible changes to transportation & land use in the business district along Grand Blvd south of 29th Ave
Howard Street Skywalk Variance - The applicant is requesting to exceed the one percent tolerance of angulation as required by SMC.
Huntington Park - Avista plans to make improvements to Huntington Park that will accommodate visitor use that has changed since the park was initially developed.
Ivory Abbey Final Short Plat - The applicant is proposing to final a Pocket Residential Preliminary Short Plat into 7 lots, 6 of which will contain homes, and 1 common open space.
Larry H. Miller Campus Master Plan - The redevelopment of this area will create an “Auto District” with streetscape enhancements and construction of few new buildings.
Lincoln Cell Tower - A request for a Type II Conditional Use Permit for a new 60 foot monopole wireless communication tower (using stealth technology).
Lincoln Heights Reservoir CUP and Variance - The City proposes to construct a 2,000,000 gallon (approx.) reservoir on a vacant lot with associated site piping and a small single story building.
Macy's Building Design Departure - The building is within the downtown central area and is greater than 25,000 square feet the exterior renovations triggered Design Review.
Napora Preliminary Short Plat - The applicant is proposing to divide an existing parcel into two single family lots.
Parviz Preliminary Short Plat - The applicant is proposing to subdivide three existing parcels totaling 13,894 square feet, into five parcels for townhomes.
Ranger Ridge Preliminary Short Plat - The applicant is proposing to plat approximately 5.42 acres into 9 lots and 1 drainage tract, including installation of utilities/infrastructure.
Ricari Final Short Plat - The applicant is proposing to finalize a previously approved preliminary short plat of two lots.
Rockwood South Hill Preliminary Short Plat - The applicant is proposing to demolish an existing single family home in order to divide 1 parcel into 2 for the purpose of constructing 2 new units
Rosamond Final Short Plat - The applicant is proposing to finalize a previously approved preliminary short plat into two lots.
South University District Sub-Area Planning - Planning to ensure that district growth aligns with recent infrastructure investments and the visions of key stakeholders and the community at large.
Southgate Area Development - Learn about the Southgate Area Development project from Spokane Planning & Development. Find project information and download related documents.
Spokane Falls CSO Tank (26) - The City is applying for a Shoreline permit to build CSO tank and public plaza adjacent to Spokane Falls Blvd.
Tailwind Physical Therapy - Jeff and Kimber Royter are proposing a 4,000+/- square foot medical office building of up to two stories with associated parking.
Touchmark Expansion Conditional Use Permit - The applicant is proposing a new Health and Fitness Facility & a new Memory Care Facility, both servicing the adjacent Touchmark community residents.
Wall Street Skywalk Variance - The applicant is requesting to exceed the one percent tolerance of angulation for the skywalk replacement over Wall Street as required by SMC.
Westwood Cell Tower - Applciation for a 60 foot monopole wireless communication tower.
Wilson Avenue Variance - Reduce front yard setbacks from 20 feet to 7.5 feet due to rear yard topography
Yellowstone Pipeline - The applicant is proposing to install 848 ft. of new 10-inch steel petroleum products pipeline by 22 feet under the bed of the Spokane River.
Zapotocky Preliminary Short Plat - The applicant is proposing to subdivide a 13,000 square foot lot into two single family residential lots.
East Central - The East Central Neighborhood chose to work on a specific project with their Neighborhood Planning funds.
Lincoln Heights District Center - In the fall of 2013, the City of Spokane Planning and Development began to gather baseline information for a study of this project.
South Hill Coalition - In 2012, five South Hill neighborhoods pooled their City neighborhood planning dollars to develop a connectivity plan for all five neighborhoods.
Southgate Neighborhood - Create a neighborhood plan that promotes a sustainable environment, social equity, a viable economy, and reflects the values of the community.
2021 Residential Grind & Overlay - South - Repave residential streets. Minor storm sewer system repairs and upgrades may also be completed as part of the paving project.
2023 Street Maintenance Curb Ramps - Installation of ADA ramps on streets which will receive a grind and overlay by the street department.
2024 Grind and Overlay Street Maintenance - The City of Spokane Streets Department will be performing routine street maintenance at various locations throughout the 2024 roadwork season.
2024 Street Maintenance Curb Ramps - Installation of ADA ramps on streets which will receive a grind and overlay by the street department.
Cycle 10 Traffic Calming - Miscellaneous street and sidewalk improvements focused on pedestrians and traffic calming.
Cycle 11 Traffic Calming - Miscellaneous street and sidewalk improvements focused on pedestrians and traffic calming.
Havana Well Pump Station - Construct two building well pump station for six new wells (already drilled) including pumps, motors, controls, and yard piping.
High System Water Tank - The City is evaluating tank location alternatives for the high system pressure zone.
Ray St. Water Main - The City of Spokane Water Department is embarking on a project to replace an aging water main along Ray Street, stretching from Hartson Avenue to 11th
Spotted Road Booster Station - Construction of a new water booster station for the Plains Pressure Zone. This project is funded with local funds.
Thor-Freya 2nd/3rd Intersections - Full roadway reconstruction with concrete, curb and stormwater facilities replacement, ADA ramp upgrades, and water/sewer replacements.