Garbage and curbside recycling pickup will be a day late starting Wednesday, with Friday’s pickup occurring on Saturday due to the New Year’s Day holiday. Christmas Tree pickup will also start this week. Please have your carts and trees out at the point of collection by 6 AM on your collection day. Green carts will be collected next week from January 6th – 10th on your regularly scheduled pickup day. See more information regarding other City closures.
2019 Street Name Changes - Applications by the City of Spokane for Street Name Changes from the City of Spokane Planning and Development Services Department.
2024 Grind and Overlay Street Maintenance - The City of Spokane Streets Department will be performing routine street maintenance at various locations throughout the 2024 roadwork season.
34th Avenue Townhomes Preliminary Short Plat - Applicant is proposing to subdivide parcel 35342.2342 addressed as 3312 E 34th Ave into three lots for the purpose of constructing attached housing.
37th Avenue Townhomes Preliminary Short Plat - The applicant is proposing to subdivide parcel 35333.0923 addressed as 1918 E 37th Ave into four lots for the purpose of constructing attached housing
48 North Final Short Plat - The applicant is proposing to divide two single-family lots with one home into four lots for the purpose of building three new single-family homes.
48 North Preliminary Short Plat - The applicant is proposing to divide two single-family lots with one home into four lots for the purpose of building three new single-family homes.
4th Avenue Townhomes Preliminary Short Plat - The applicant is proposing to subdivide parcels addressed as 2228 E. 4th and 438 S. Stone into five lots for constructing attached housing.
509 Design Office Conditional Use Permit - The applicant is proposing to convert an existing institutional building into an interior design office and small product showroom.
8th Avenue Preliminary Short Plat - The owner is proposing to divide parcel addressed as 3611 E. 8th Ave. into 2 lots for the purpose of residential development.
9th Avenue Townhomes Preliminary Short Plat - The applicant proposes subdividing parcel 25244.5402 addressed as 2009 W 9th Avenue into five lots for the purpose of constructing attached housing.
Adams Preliminary Short Plat - The applicant is proposing to subdivide an existing parcel into two lots, in an Office-Retail zone, and build two separate mixed-use structures.
Adaptive Street Design - Adaptive street design improves local infrastructure by developing pedestrian, bicycle, and traffic safety improvements quickly and at low cost.
AH Land Preliminary Short Plat - The owner is proposing to divide parcel addressed as 1728 W. Buckeye Ave. into 2 lots for the purpose of creating lots for residential development.
Airway Heights Mini-Storage - The applicant is seeking to increase the size of a mini-storage project up to 16 acres in a Light Industrial zone.
Alternative to Substandard Building Demolition - City of Spokane, Code Enforcement, is the lead on proposed amendments to the SMC for Construction Standards 17F.070.470 and 17F.070.490.
Amendment to Westridge - The proposal includes reconfiguration/alteration of 24 parcels under one ownership and conversion of two parcels to public rights of way.
Ash Place Preliminary Long Plat - The applicant is proposing to subdivide three parcels in the RSF zone (R1 effective 01/01/24) into 21 lots for constructing attached housing.
Bair Final Short Plat - The applicant is proposing to divide an existing parcel with home into two single family lots in order to build one additional single family home.
Bair Preliminary Short Plat - The applicant is proposing to divide an existing single-family lot in to two lots for the purposes of a new single-family home.
Baldwin and Regal Preliminary Short Plat - The applicant is proposing to subdivide parcels addressed as 2901 E Baldwin Ave and 2907 E Baldwin Ave into three lots for constructing two duplexes.
Bicycle and Pedestrian Resources - Learn more about programs, resources, and current projects for cyclists and pedestrians across the City of Spokane.
Bicycle Master Plan - Adopted in 2017, Spokane's Bicycle Master Plan creates a vision for enhancing bicycling opportunities for all residents of Spokane.
Bike Rack Program - Learn about the Bike Rack program and how make a request to have a bike rack to be installed near your business or neighborhood.
Bond Final Short Plat - The applicant is proposing to final preliminary short plat to divide parcel 35294.0273 addressed as 1215 E Christmas Tree Ln into two parcels.
Bond Preliminary Short Plat - The applicant is proposing to subdivide parcel 35294.0273 into 2 lots for the purpose of constructing a single-family residence.
Bush Car Wash Final Binding Site Plan - The applicant is proposing to subdivide 4.54 acres of vacant land into 7 parcels for commercial use including the construction of a Bush Car Wash.
Canyon Bluffs 3rd Addition Final Plat - The applicant is proposing to final a preliminary long plat (Z2009-09-PPLT) approved on June 9, 2009 by the City of Spokane Hearing Examiner.
Capital Programs - Spokane's Capital Programs facilitates the development of sewer, water and street infrastructure projects. Download program documents and studies.
Cedar Storage Final Binding Site Plan - The applicant is proposing to final preliminary Binding Site Plan (Z22-250PBSP) granted approval, subject to conditions, on September 20, 2022.
Centers and Corridors Study - The Center and Corridor Study project will assess the effectiveness of Centers and Corridors, a focused growth land use policy and zoning approach.
Chernioglo 1st Addition Preliminary Short Plat - The owner is proposing to divide parcel addressed as 3918 E. 26th Ave. into 2 lots for the development of new duplex residential buildings.
Chick-fil-A Final Binding Site Plan - The applicant is proposing to final a preliminary Binding Site Plan (Z19-458PBSP) granted approval, subject to conditions, on December 16, 2019.
Chumov Wetland CUP - The applicant is requesting to adjust the wetland buffer for the construction of a single family home, shop, well and septic system.
Citywide Projects - Learn about the City of Spokane's Citywide Initiatives. Find information and updates for these projects.
Cora Hill Preliminary Short Plat - The applicant is proposing to subdivide an existing parcel into 7 lots; with access off of Courtland and access off of Cora.
Cornerstone Preliminary Short Plat - The owner is proposing to divide parcel 35063.3902 into 2 lots for the purpose of creating lots for new residential development.
Costello Final Short Plat - The applicant is proposing to divide 2 existing parcels (2 acres) into 6 lots, retaining 1 existing residence & creating 5 lots for single family dev.
Crestview Estates Preliminary Short Plat - The applicant is proposing to divide two stormwater tracts (A and B) in the Residential Single-family (RSF) zone into a total of four parcels.
CSO Outfall Removal - Remove CSO Outfall piping which currently protrudes from the embankment above Latah Creek. Restore the disturbed areas.
Cycle 10 Traffic Calming - Miscellaneous street and sidewalk improvements focused on pedestrians and traffic calming.
Cycle 11 Traffic Calming - Miscellaneous street and sidewalk improvements focused on pedestrians and traffic calming.
Dawley Preliminary Short Plat - The applicant is proposing to subdivide one existing parcel into 2 Two-Family (RTF) lots. This project will be processed as a Type II application.
DDT Preliminary Short Plat - The applicant is proposing to subdivide parcel addressed as 3137 E 28th Ave into two lots for the purpose of constructing a 4-plex.
Decatur Townhomes Preliminary Short Plat - The owner is proposing to divide parcel 36312.2022 addressed as 1307 W Decatur into 3 lots for the purpose of a new townhome development.
Deep Pine Overlook - New Preliminary Plat/ PUD/Shoreline Conditional Use Permit/ Floodplain Permit for a 94 single family residential lots on 48 acres.
Downtown Projects - Learn about the projects in the Downtown area of Spokane. Find information and related documents for both ongoing and completed projects.
Durkoop Preliminary Short Plat - The applicant is proposing to subdivide an existing parcel into four single family lots using the Pocket Residential Development Standards.
Dziubenko Preliminary Short Plat - The owner is proposing to divide parcel 25354.0038 addressed as 3840 S. Trainor Rd. into 2 lots.
East 29th Ave Pedestrian Street Designation - The City received a request from the Lincoln Heights Council to designate E 29th Ave between S Martin St and S Fiske St as a Pedestrian Priority Zone.
East Central Community Center Additions CUP - The applicant is proposing a 5,820 sq. ft addition & renovation to the Community Center for the CCS's Head Start program & the MLK Jr Outreach Center
East Wellesley Rebuild – Freya to Havana - Scope includes an increased number of lanes and reconfiguration, Green Infrastructure and street trees, and replacing water distribution lines.
Eighth Avenue Comprehensive Plan Amendment - A proposed amendment to Chapter 3, Map LU-1, Land Use Plan Map and a concurrent amendment to the City of Spokane Official Zoning Map.
Fahsholtz Preliminary Short Plat - The applicant is proposing to divide an existing single-family lot in to two lots for the purposes of a new single-family home.
Family Promise CUP - The applicant is proposing to convert an existing single-family home into a community service use.
Fasholtz Final Short Plat - The applicant is proposing to final a two lot short plat, which was approved March 8, 2018 (preliminary plat number Z18-022PSP)
Five Mile Spokane Preliminary Short Plat - The applicant is proposing to divide one parcel into 8 parcels for the purpose of constructing seven (7) 4-plexes with shared access and parking.
Garden District PUD - A preliminary plat and a planned unit development on approximately 24.59 acres of land in the Lincoln Heights neighborhood on Spokane's South Hill.
Garland Avenue Preliminary Short Plat - The applicant is proposing to subdivide parcel 35042.4516 addressed as 1649 E Garland Avenue into 4 lots for residential development.
Gonzaga University Housing Rezone - The applicant proposes rezoning the property from Context Area 4 to Residential High Density for a 90 bed residence for housing on the GU campus.
Grandview Preliminary Long Plat - The applicant is proposing to subdivide an approximately 22.35-acre site into 96 single family lots.
Hartson Havana Preliminary Short Plat - The applicant is proposing to subdivide off two existing single family homes on a large parcel that contains several different residential uses.
Hatch Bridge Replacement SCUP & SSDP - The City is proposing to replace the Hatch Rd. bridge deck, replace pavement on bridge approaches, and install a right turn lane (bridge & Hwy 195).
High System Water Tank - The City is evaluating tank location alternatives for the high system pressure zone.
Hillyard Subarea Plan - A series of revitalization and funding strategies to address the prolonged housing needs, infrastructure deficiencies, improve the quality of life
Illinois Avenue Bikeway Design Options - This project will identify a preferred design for pedestrian and bicycle improvements on Illinois Ave. based on public input and street context.
Indian Trail Cell Tower - Construct a 60 foot wireless communication tower using stealth technology
Indian Trail Comprehensive Plan Amendment - A proposed amendment to Chapter 3, Map LU-1, Land Use Plan Map and a concurrent amendment to the City of Spokane Official Zoning Map.
Innovation Alleyways - This project was launched to explore ways to revitalize & re-envision select downtown alleyways into places of connectivity & vibrant arts culture.
Jayne Auld Final Short Plat - The applicant is proposing to divide three parcels totaling 79,984 square feet into 6 parcels for a multi-family complex, duplex homes, and parking.
Kendall Yards - Kendall Yards is a planned community encompassing approximately 78 acres of land on the north bank of the Spokane River.
Kendall Yards Premera SSDP - Shoreline substantial Development Permit for foundation excavation, grading, landscaping and hardscape.
Key Preliminary Short Plat - The applicant is proposing to subdivide portions of 2 existing parcels into 9 lots – 2 large parcels for the existing homeowners and 7 new vacant lots
Kleypas Final Short Plat - The applicant is proposing to divide 1 parcel into 2 for the purpose of retaining an existing single family home and creating 1 new residential unit.
Lacey Townhomes Preliminary Short Plat - Applicant is proposing to subdivide parcel 336331.0209 located at 6019 N Lacey St. into 9 lots for the purpose of developing townhomes.
Land Use and Zoning Projects - Learn about the City of Spokane's Land Use and Zoning projects. Find information and related documents for both ongoing and completed projects.
Landscape Certification - Proposed code amendment to establish landscape certification requirements for new development.
Liberty Avenue Preliminary Short Plat - The applicant/owner is proposing to subdivide vacant parcel addressed at 3712 E. Liberty Ave. into two lots for the purpose of constructing duplexes.
Liberty Market Conditional Use Permit - The applicant is proposing to convert a previous commercial use building into a small neighborhood mini-market/grocery store.
Liberty Park Library CUP - The City of Spokane is proposing a new single story, 13,000 square foot public library with associated utilities, parking and landscaping.
Link Spokane - Integrating Transportation and City Utility Infrastructure Planning
Locarno Preliminary Short Plat - The applicant is proposing to subdivide parcel 35214.2912 located at 1203 S. Crestline St. into two (2) lots.
Logan Elementary Addition Conditional Use Permit - The applicant is proposing to construct an approximately 4,965-sq. ft. addition to be used as an Early Learning Center and Community Wellness Center.
Luxury Townhomes Preliminary Short Plat - The applicant is proposing to divide parcel addressed as 3018 South Manito Blvd. into 2 lots for the purpose of constructing attached housing.
Lyons Ave Preliminary Short Plat - The owner is proposing to divide parcels 36283.0406 and 36283.0408 into 13 lots for the purpose of creating vacant lots for new development.
Manito Blvd. Townhomes Preliminary Short Plat - The owner is proposing to divide parcels addressed as 3404 S. Manito Blvd. into 5 lots for the purpose of creating lots for new townhome development.
Maple/Jefferson Gateway Master Plan - Develop a series of gateways that leave a lasting positive impression on both visitors and residents as they come and go from our city.
Mayor’s Housing Quality Task Force - The objective is to align City investments, resources and policies to support safe, quality housing and mixed-income neighborhoods.
McCarroll East 4th Addition Final Plat - The applicant is proposing to final 21 of 297 approved single family lots. Before this, 107 lots were previously finaled.
McFarlane Preliminary Binding Site Plan - The owner is proposing to divide parcel 15365.1101 addressed as 10921 W. McFarlane Rd. into 20 lots to create developable and sellable lots.
Melton Final City Short Plat - The applicant is proposing to divide 1 residential 2-family zoned lot into 2 residential 2-family zoned lots for the purpose of building a new duplex
Melton Preliminary Short Plat - The applicant is proposing to divide 1 residential two-family zoned lot into 2 residential two-family zoned lots to build a new duplex.
Mission Ct. Parking Lot - The scope of work is to include a new 8,300 square foot paved parking lot, sidewalks with ramps and swales within the Shoreline Jurisdiction.
Napora 30th Ave Preliminary Short Plat - The applicant proposes subdividing parcel 35342.0220 addressed as 3203 E 30th Avenue into four lots for the purpose of constructing attached housing.
Neighborhood Access and Equity Grant - This application to USDOT's NAE Grant Program will focus on reconnecting neighborhoods and communities divided by transportation infrastructure.
Nenno Variance - Request reduction of 15’/20’ front yard setback to 0 feet due to steep slope
Newark Retail Conditional Use Permit - The applicant is proposing a retail sales and service use in the existing structure located at 1026 E Newark Ave.
Nora Avenue Townhomes Preliminary Short Plat - The applicant is proposing to divide parcel addressed as 2013 W Nora Avenue into three lots for the purpose of constructing attached housing.
Normandie Change of Use CUP - The applicant is proposing to change the use of the southeastern building from an Industrial Service use to Manufacturing and Production.
North Bank Bikeway Proposal - Proposed future bike lanes on Boone Avenue, Atlantic Avenue and Sharp Avenue through the North Bank from Lincoln to Division.
Northeast Projects - Learn about the projects in the Northeast area of Spokane. Find information and related documents for both ongoing and completed projects.
Northwest Projects - Learn about the projects in the Northwest area of Spokane. Find information and related documents for both ongoing and completed projects.
Oak Bridge Pocket Residential Preliminary Long Plat - The applicant is proposing to demolish all existing structures on the three parcels in question and subdivide 14 attached housing lots and two tracts.
Pacific Avenue Greenway Alignment Study - The Pacific Avenue Greenway will provide a safe route for cyclists and pedestrians moving between downtown and the University District.
Pedestrian Master Plan - This project promotes pedestrian safety and access to help ensure that Spokane is a safe, convenient, and attractive place to walk.
Prasser 32nd Ave Final Short Plat - The applicant is proposing to final preliminary short plat Z23-191PSP to divide parcel 35341.1136 addressed as 3917 E 32nd Avenue into two parcels.
Prasser 32nd Ave Preliminary Short Plat - The applicant is proposing to subdivide parcel 35341.1136 at 3917 E 32nd Avenue into two (2) lots for the purpose of constructing a duplex on lot
Primrose Lane Preliminary Short Plat - The owner/applicant is proposing to divide parcel 25233.0605 into 3 lots, retaining an existing home and creating 2 vacant lots for new developments
Projects - Learn about Spokane's building, construction, and zoning projects. Contains information and related documents for both ongoing and completed projects.
Radezky Preliminary Short Plat - The owner is proposing to divide parcel 25231.5109 into 2 lots for the purpose of creating lots for new multi-unit development.
Ray St. Water Main - The City of Spokane Water Department is embarking on a project to replace an aging water main along Ray Street, stretching from Hartson Avenue to 11th
Ray-Freya Alternatives Analysis - The analysis will consider lane configurations, intersection control, roadway widening, new arterial connections, bicycle & pedestrian improvements
Red Band Preliminary Short Plat - The applicant proposes to subdivide one parcel into 7 for future multi-family development. The plat will be served by City of Spokane sewer and water.
River Bend Development Phase 2 Shoreline CUP - New Multi-Family Housing project for approximately 267 units in two new buildings (2A & 2B) within the 200 foot shoreline designation.
Riverday School Conditional Use Permit - The applicant is proposing to convert the existing church building into a small private school to serve no more than 25 students.
Riverfront Park Permitting - The Spokane Parks and Recreation Department is replacing the Howard Street South Channel Bridge (South Channel Bridge).
Riverpoint Village PUD Amendment - The applicant is proposing to remove Space Unit 12 from the existing Riverpoint Village PUD (file no.92-18-PUD/ZC).
Riverside Avenue from Division to Monroe - A project to rebuild Riverside Avenue in downtown Spokane between Division and Monroe streets. It will include the route of STA’s Central City Line.
Riverview Preliminary Short Plat - The applicant is proposing to subdivide one parcel into two lots. The existing parcel sits between Grace Ave and Riverview Drive.
Rockwood South Hill Final Short Plat - The applicant is proposing to final a preliminary short plat (File number Z19-457PSP) approved with conditions on November 26, 2019.
Rustle and Bemis Comprehensive Plan Amendment - A proposed amendment to Chapter 3, Map LU-1, Land Use Plan Map and a concurrent amendment to the City of Spokane Official Zoning Map.
Scott Elementary Safe Routes to School - This is a community initiative to enhance pedestrian safety and create safer routes to school for students and residents.
Seasons on the South Hill – Assisted Living - The applicant is proposing a new assisted living community to include 5 single level homes to house 80 residents, an office, parking, and landscaping
Senate Bill 5290 Land Use Application Code Updates - In 2023, Washington State Legislature passed Senate Bill 5290 to update the Local Project Review Act in order to improve project review and permitting
Shadle Library Addition Conditional Use Permit - The applicant is proposing a single story 11,875 square foot addition to the existing Shadle Library at the SE corner of Belt and Wellesley.
Shaheen Preliminary Short Plat - The owner/applicant is proposing to divide parcel addressed as 1315 W. Strong Rd. into 4 lots.
Shaping Spokane Housing - Phase 1 code amendments are foundational to increasing housing supply, variety, and affordability & would provide necessary updates for the 2nd phase.
Sherfey 30th Avenue Preliminary Short Plat - Applicant is proposing to subdivide parcel 35341.0738 into two lots. Existing dwelling to remain with demolition of attached garage.
SIA Wetland Removal - Spokane International Airport is proposing to remove a Category IV Wetland to construct approx. 500 parking stalls adjacent to West Airport Drive
South Gorge Parking Lot & Trail Connection SSDP - Improving an existing nonconforming gravel parking lot that is located at the junction of the South Gorge Trail and the Sandifur pedestrian bridge
South Projects - Learn about the projects in the South of the river area of Spokane. Find information and related documents for both ongoing and completed projects.
Sportsplex Design Departure - The Spokane Public Facilities District is proposing to construct a 135,000 square foot multi-purpose event venue to be owned and operated by the PFD
Street Conditions - Information About City of Spokane Street Conditions
Street Design Standards Update - Updates include current practice across the nation, design of pedestrian & bicycle facilities up to standards for better serving all ages & abilities
Sunset Rezone - The applicant is requesting a zone change from NR-35 and NR-55 (Neighborhood Retail with a height limit of 35ft to a height limit of 55ft)
TDS Construction within the City of Spokane - TDS Metrocom has begun construction on an all-fiber, fiber-to-the home cable television and high-speed internet system within the City of Spokane.
The Falls - The Falls is a mixed use project comprised of three buildings over below grade parking.
The Falls Shoreline Conditional Use Permit - Applicant proposing to construct a 12-story residential structure with 38-units and one level of underground parking in the Shoreline Jurisdiction.
The Summit Preliminary Long Plat - The applicant is proposing 98 new single family lots on roughly 21 acres located at the intersection of Cedar Road and Eagle Ridge Boulevard.
Thor Townhomes Preliminary Short Plat - The applicant is proposing to subdivide two lots in the R2 zone into 6 lots for attached housing at 657 S. Thor Street and 659 S Thor Street.
Thor-Freya 2nd/3rd Intersections - Full roadway reconstruction with concrete, curb and stormwater facilities replacement, ADA ramp upgrades, and water/sewer replacements.
Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) - TOD offers housing, shopping and employment along a network of safe streets within a ½ mile of high-performance transit lines.
Victory Heights Preliminary Long Plat/PUD - The applicant is proposing to subdivide 18 parcels, totaling approximately 177.27 acres into 1,003 lots within a PUD overlay.
Vinegar Flats Conditional Use Permit - The applicant is proposing a new cottage development to include 23 new cottages with associated utilities, common areas and landscaping.
Violet’s Garden Final Short Plat - The applicant is proposing to divide an existing parcel with home into two single family lots in order to build one additional single family home.
Vision Zero - Vision Zero - committing to achieving zero traffic deaths and serious injuries on Spokane streets while increasing safe, healthy, and equitable mobili
Vistas at Beacon Hill Final PUD Plat - The Application is proposing to finalize the Vistas at Beacon Hill Preliminary PUD/Plat ort Plat for the purpose of building multi-family development.
Walters Development Preliminary Short Plat - The applicant is proposing to divide 1 parcel in the Residential Single-family (RSF) zone into 2 parcels, an existing home and a new vacant lot.
Washington Stevens Corridor Improvements 2024 - This upgrades consist of three key projects aimed at enhancing the infrastructure & longevity of the roads and bridges in this area.
West Central Infrastructure Project - This project seeks to identify & rank public infrastructure projects for the West Central Neighborhood within the boundaries of the WQTIF District
West Mission Ave Preliminary Short Plat - The owner is proposing to divide parcels 25132.1126 addressed as 2415 W. Mission Ave., into 2 lots to create lots for new townhome development.
West Quadrant Tax Increment Finance District - A series of public infrastructure improvements in the West Quadrant Tax Increment Finance District will stimulate development in the area
Wheelshare - WheelShare allows electric-assist bikes and electric scooters to be checked out and used for a small fee within City limits.
Williams Preliminary Short Plat - The applicant is proposing to subdivide parcel 35284.0132 at 2711 S Lee St. into 2 lots for the purpose of constructing a duplex on each lot.
Woodridge View 3rd Addition Preliminary Long Plat - The applicant is proposing to subdivide a portion of a roughly 70 acre parcel into 138 single family lots above Weiber Drive at the municipal boundary
Woodridge View Final Short Plat - The applicant is proposing to final a five-lot short plat, which was approved August 10, 2018.
10th Avenue Comprehensive Plan Amendment - A proposed amendment to Chapter 3, Map LU-1, Land Use Plan Map Amendment and a concurrent amendment to the City of Spokane Official Zoning Map.
2018/2019 Proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendments - The City Planning has received 7 applications for proposed amendments to the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Plan Map for potential review during 2019
2021 Floodplain Management Update - The City is required to complete a text amendment of its floodplain management regulations to comply with these state changes.
2021 Residential Grind & Overlay - South - Repave residential streets. Minor storm sewer system repairs and upgrades may also be completed as part of the paving project.
2021 Residential Grind and Overlay – North - Residential street repaving. Minor storm sewer system repairs and upgrades may also be completed as part of the paving project.
2023 Street Maintenance Curb Ramps - Installation of ADA ramps on streets which will receive a grind and overlay by the street department.
2024 Street Maintenance Curb Ramps - Installation of ADA ramps on streets which will receive a grind and overlay by the street department.
27th Avenue Comprehensive Plan Amendment - A proposed amendment to Chapter 3, Map LU-1, Land Use Plan Map Amendment and a concurrent amendment to the City of Spokane Official Zoning Map
29th and Martin Parking Lot - Applicant is proposing to construct a new 17-space surface parking lot to be accessory to the office building directly to the west of this parcel.
29th and Ray Comprehensive Plan Amendment - A proposed amendment to Chapter 3, Map LU-1, Land Use Plan Map and a concurrent amendment to the City of Spokane Official Zoning Map.
31st Avenue Comprehensive Plan Amendment - A proposed amendment to Chapter 3, Map LU-1, Land Use Plan Map Amendment and a concurrent amendment to the City of Spokane Official Zoning Map
5th Avenue Initiative - A neighborhood-led effort to revitalize East 5th Avenue between Liberty Park and Thor/Freya in the East Central neighborhood.
8th Avenue Comprehensive Plan Amendment - A proposed amendment to Chapter 3, Map LU-1, Land Use Plan Map and a concurrent amendment to the City of Spokane Official Zoning Map.
Anna's Homes Short Plat - This Preliminary Short Plat to subdivide 2 existing 10,800 sq. ft. lots for a total of 4 lots, located in a developed Residential Single Family Zone
Avista Corporation - Comprehensive Plan Amendment - Avista Corporation has requested a Comprehensive Plan Land Use Amendment and associated Zone change for 14 properties in the Logan neighborhood.
Avista Mission Swale - Avista is requesting a shoreline substantial development permit to construct a new 5,960 square foot bio-infiltration swale.
Avista North Center Street Reroute - Avista is requesting to realign North Center Street. Utilities will also be rerouted and installed within this new alignment.
Avista Swale - Avista is requesting to construct a 0.7 grassy swale on a 3.2 acre parcel within the Ross Court area of the Mission Campus.
Bennett Block Skywalk Staircase Removal - The ordinance would allow for the removal of the exterior stairway located at the northeast corner of Main Avenue and Howard Street.
Bridge Ave CSO Tank (IO4) - The City of Spokane Engineering Department is proposing a 0.8-1.0 million gallon CSO tank at the Bosch Lot site.
Bridge Ave. to Summit Pkwy. Street Name Change - The proposal is to rename the public right-of-way of Bridge Avenue to be designated Summit Parkway, for one block, between Lincoln and Monroe streets.
Butte Final Short Plat - The applicant is proposing to subdivide an existing 14,200 square foot parcel for a total of two lots, in a developed Residential Single Family zone.
Butte Preliminary Short Plat - Subdivision of an existing 14,200 sqt. parcel for a total of two lots, located in a developed Residential Single Family zone
CCRC LLC - This project is a 2014/2015 Comprehensive Plan Land Use Amendment Application.
Centennial Alley Street Name Change - Proposing to change the name of Centennial Alley to Centennial Way to provision for emergency service response and improve geo-location accuracy.
Centers & Corridors Design Guidelines Update - Revisions to the Initial Design Standards and Guidelines for Centers and Corridors which were codified 2006 in SMC Section 17C.122.060.
Central Service Center - Will be a combined Solid Waste Management and Fleet maintenance facility designed to create operational efficiencies and long-term savings.
Chapter 4, Transportation, Text Amendment - A proposed amendment to the text of Chapter 4, Map TR-12, Arterial Network Map to add additional language regarding pedestrian and vehicle safety at u
Chick-fil-A Preliminary Binding Site Plan - The applicant is proposing a Binding Site Plan in order to subdivide 3.243 acres of land into 2 parcels for commercial use.
Clarke Avenue Bank Stabilization - This project is needed to stabilize the slope of the riverbank containing a 15” sanitary sewer line.
Cleveland Avenue Comprehensive Plan Amendment - A proposed amendment to Chapter 3, Map LU-1, Land Use Plan Map Amendment and a concurrent amendment to the City of Spokane Official Zoning Map.
Clinkerdagger's Patio Rebuild - Clinkerdagger Restaurant is requesting a Shoreline Substantial Development Permit to remodel an existing above grade outdoor dining patio.
Cochran Basin Treatment Facilities - Construction of treatment and infiltration ponds at the Downriver Disc Golf Course to treat stormwater generated in the Cochran Basin.
Community Detox Services Conditional Use Permit - The applicant is proposing to tear down an existing community detox facility and construct a new 16-bed short term community detox facility.
Comprehensive Plan Amendment - The City of Spokane is proposing amendments to Chapter 3 of the Comprehensive Plan to encourage and ease development of middle housing in Spokane.
Comprehensive Plan Amendment Cycle 2014/2015 - Three land use applications and one text amendment application have been submitted and certified counter complete and will be considered.
Convention Center Expansion - The project is the completion of the Spokane Convention Center exhibit hall as approved by Spokane County voters in April 2012.
Convention Center Skywalk - A request for a Skywalk Permit to construct a skywalk over Spokane Falls Blvd. to connect the Spokane Convention Center and the new convention hotel.
Cooke/Shriver Townhouses Variance - Requesting a Variance to exceed the 20% maximum area allowed to be paved in the front yard setback on both street frontages
Cora Avenue Comprehensive Plan Amendment - A proposed amendment to Chapter 3, Map LU-1, Land Use Plan Map Amendment and a concurrent amendment to the City of Spokane Official Zoning Map
Costello Preliminary Short Plat - The applicant is proposing to divide 2 existing parcels into 6 lots, retaining 1 existing residence & creating 5 lots for single family development
Cottages at River Run 1st Addition - Final plat for Cottages at River Run 1st Addition, to include 19 lots and 1 drainage tract on approximately 4.17 acres.
Countywide Addressing Standards - Develop a common countywide standard used by all addressing authorities within Spokane County to reduce addressing conflicts.
Development Agreement - Implementing Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map Amendment Ordinance C35027
Development Agreement for CCRC LLC - Notice of Development Agreement Implementing Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map Amendment Ordinance C35309 for Application/Permit Number: Z1400064COMP
Division Street Boat Launch - Shoreline stabilization measures to protect an eroding bank, incorporate a ramp-like sloped pathway allowing access for small non-powered watercraft.
Eagle Ridge 10th Addition Project - The applicant is proposing to final 45 of 2,271 total approved lots of a preliminary plat; file number PLN 83-5.
Eagle Ridge 11th Addition Final Plat - The applicant is proposing to subdivide four parcels into 98 single-family lots of a preliminary long plat PLN 83-5
East Central - The East Central Neighborhood chose to work on a specific project with their Neighborhood Planning funds.
Electric Fence Text Amendment Update - Amendment to the Spokane City fence code, to allow business owners in commercial and industrial zones to install electric fence security systems.
Elevator Code Update - Proposed amendments to the elevator code specifically address state provisions that allow for random witnessed testing for elevators.
Elgin Court Preliminary Short Plat - The applicant is proposing to divide an existing Residential Single Family (RSF) lot into two RSF lots.
Emerson-Garfield - In 2012, the Emerson-Garfield neighborhood began a planning process to develop a set of actions that address many neighborhood issues.
Ernst Preliminary Short Plat - The applicant is proposing to subdivide the existing development to have the 2 additional structures on their own lots w/ shared access & utilities
Excelsior Youth Center Conditional Use Permit - The applicant is proposing a campus expansion of approximately 22,000 square feet and an increase in number of resident beds from 99 to 115.
Five Mile Booster Station Replacement CUP - The City of Spokane has an existing booster station roughly 1,000 square feet in size, located along Belt Street on this same parcel.
Five Mile Prairie - The Five Mile Prairie Neighborhood Planning Stakeholders hired Studio Cascade in June of 2010 to complete a Pedestrian and Bicycle Plan.
Flip 30 Preliminary Short Plat - The applicant is proposing to divide 1 parcel into 2, retaining an existing single family home and creating a vacant parcel for future development.
Floodplain Management Update - Development within the areas of special flood hazard is regulated by Spokane Municipal Code Chapter 17E.030 Floodplain Management as required by FEMA.
Francis Avenue Comprehensive Plan Amendment - A proposed amendment to Chapter 3, Map LU-1, Land Use Plan Map Amendment and a concurrent amendment to the City of Spokane Official Zoning Map
Freya Pines Preliminary Re-Plat - The applicant is proposing to replat 24 existing parcels into 36 buildable lots together with constructing a new city street (25th Ave) in SE Spokane
Freya Street Comprehensive Plan Amendment - A proposed amendment to Chapter 3, Map LU-1, Land Use Plan Map Amendment and a concurrent amendment to the City of Spokane Official Zoning Map
Garden Park Booster Station - The Water Department is proposing a new concrete masonry booster station to replace the existing booster station at this location.
Glover Field Shoreline Conditional Use Permit - The City and the Spokane Conservation District has partner to construct a public use boat launch for non-motorized boats at Glover Park.
Grand Boulevard Transportation & Land Use Study - The City is launching an effort to consider possible changes to transportation & land use in the business district along Grand Blvd south of 29th Ave
Greater Hillyard - For the purpose of neighborhood planning, Bemiss, Hillyard and Whitman neighborhoods of Northeast Spokane joined together as “Greater Hillyard”.
HA Tombari LLC Comprehensive Plan Amendment - This proposal is to change one parcel of property currently zoned RMF (Residential Multifamily) to GC-70 (General Commercial).
Hamilton Studios Historic Change of Use CUP - The applicant is proposing to add a legal event center to an existing two-story building that currently operates as a photography studio and offices.
HAP Phase 1 - Learn about Phase 1 Changes in the City of Spokane's Housing Action Plan.
Havana Well Pump Station - Construct two building well pump station for six new wells (already drilled) including pumps, motors, controls, and yard piping.
Haven Grind & Overlay - Grind & overlay of Haven St. from Market (near Rockwell) to Market (near Columbia) including pavement repair and ADA ramp replacement.
HD3 Investments LLC - This project is a 2013/2014 Comprehensive Plan Land Use Amendment Application.
High Drive - Construct a curbed roadway section with one lane in each direction and one bike lane in each direction. There will be sidewalks on at least one side.
Historic Change of Use - The Library - This CUP is for a Historic Change of Use at the Historic building located at 2936 E. Olympic Ave. The new use would be Retail Sales and Service
Holder Final Short Plat - The applicant is proposing to subdivide an existing 3.07 acre parcel for a total of two lots, located in a developed Residential Single Family zone.
Holder Preliminary Short Plat - The applicant is proposing to subdivide an existing 3.07 acre parcel for a total of two lots, located in a developed Residential Single Family zone.
Holland Ave Preliminary Short Plat - The applicant is proposing to divide an existing parcel with an existing office building and warehouse into two lots, to separate the buildings.
Holland Avenue Sewer (Normandie to Colton) - This project will construct a gravity sewer pipe from North Pointe Lift Station (Colton and Holland) to the intersection of Holland and Normandie.
Howard Street Skywalk Variance - The applicant is requesting to exceed the one percent tolerance of angulation as required by SMC.
Huntington Park - Avista plans to make improvements to Huntington Park that will accommodate visitor use that has changed since the park was initially developed.
I-90 and Division Gateway Design Plans - Five locations at the I-90 east and westbound exits onto Division Street will be improved with artwork, pedestrian lighting, new sidewalk, and trees.
Interceptor I-03 Control Facility - Engineering Services dept. is proposing to construct a buried 1.8 million gallon CSO prevention tank, along with associated piping and access road.
Ivory Abbey Final Short Plat - The applicant is proposing to final a Pocket Residential Preliminary Short Plat into 7 lots, 6 of which will contain homes, and 1 common open space.
Kendall Yards Commercial 2nd Addition - The applicant is proposing a final plat of 3 parcels (2.86 acres) into 2 lots. This is a portion of the preliminary plat for the entire development.
Kendall Yards Overlook - The elevated platform is proposed to be about 16 feet above ground level and is accessible by stairs.
Larry H. Miller Campus Master Plan - The redevelopment of this area will create an “Auto District” with streetscape enhancements and construction of few new buildings.
Latah Bridge Rehabilitation Study - To better understand current conditions of the bridge, and identify preliminary solution alternatives that will support the public use of this bridge.
Libertini Preliminary Short Plat - The applicant is proposing to divide an existing single-family lot in to two lots for the purposes of a new single-family home.
Liberty Avenue Comprehensive Plan Amendment - A proposed amendment to Chapter 3, Map LU-1, Land Use Plan Map and a concurrent amendment to the City of Spokane Official Zoning Map.
Lincoln Cell Tower - A request for a Type II Conditional Use Permit for a new 60 foot monopole wireless communication tower (using stealth technology).
Lincoln Heights District Center - In the fall of 2013, the City of Spokane Planning and Development began to gather baseline information for a study of this project.
Lincoln Heights Reservoir CUP and Variance - The City proposes to construct a 2,000,000 gallon (approx.) reservoir on a vacant lot with associated site piping and a small single story building.
Logan Neighborhood - Situated close to the heart of Spokane, the Logan Neighborhood has developed as one of the oldest residential neighborhoods in the City.
Macy's Building Design Departure - The building is within the downtown central area and is greater than 25,000 square feet the exterior renovations triggered Design Review.
Magnolia Street Comprehensive Plan Amendment - A proposed amendment to Chapter 3, Map LU-1, Land Use Plan Map Amendment and a concurrent amendment to the City of Spokane Official Zoning Map.
Map TR-12 Comprehensive Plan Amendment - A proposed amendment to Chapter 4, Map TR-12, Arterial Network Map. This project is a City-sponsored application.
Map TR-5 Comprehensive Plan Amendment - A proposed amendment to Chapter 4, Map TR-5, Bicycle Facilities Map. This project is a City-sponsored application.
Maple Ash Chipseal - Street maintenance project to apply a layer of oil and rock to the surface of the street to extend pavement life.
Mobile Food Vendor Project - The goal of the project is to create a more consistent, predictable, and streamlined system for the local mobile food vendor industry.
Montgomery Avenue Comprehensive Plan Amendment - A proposed amendment to Chapter 3, Map LU-1, Land Use Plan Map Amendment and a concurrent amendment to the City of Spokane Official Zoning Map.
Napora Preliminary Short Plat - The applicant is proposing to divide an existing parcel into two single family lots.
Neighborhood Notice - Proposed modifications to the Spokane Municipal Code regarding neighborhood notice of land use applications and permits.
Neighborhood Retail Parking Standards Update - Reduced parking standards aim at balancing the need for parking while encouraging revitalization of small scale, neighborhood serving businesses.
Nevada Lidgerwood Neighborhood - This project identifies important issues and potential solutions for improving Nevada-Lidgerwood Neighborhood livability.
Nevada/Joseph Ped Hybrid Beacon - Installation of marked crosswalk and pedestrian crossing safety devices, including stop bars, illumination, and audible signals.
New Design Guidelines - Guidelines for public projects and structures, skywalks, planned unit developments, and city-wide.
Normandie St. Pump Station - The City of Spokane Water Department is proposing to replace two existing well pump stations.
North Bank Plan - Several ongoing planning efforts and recent development proposals highlight the North Bank's potential to be a major growth center for downtown.
North Hill - In 2014, the North Hill neighborhood began a planning process to identify and prioritize goals into an action plan.
Northeast Force Main - Construct an additional force main (8-inch) between the Northeast Lift Station and the existing stub at Rowan and Myrtle.
Park Place 2nd Addition Final Plat - The applicant is proposing to subdivide two parcels into 50 single-family lots. This is a part of a previously approved preliminary plat from 2005.
Parviz Preliminary Short Plat - The applicant is proposing to subdivide three existing parcels totaling 13,894 square feet, into five parcels for townhomes.
Phillips Final Short Plat - The applicant is proposing to final a 3-lot short plat (preliminary plat number Z18-347PSP).
R Properties LLC - This project is a 2013/2014 Comprehensive Plan Land Use Amendment Application.
Ranger Ridge Preliminary Short Plat - The applicant is proposing to plat approximately 5.42 acres into 9 lots and 1 drainage tract, including installation of utilities/infrastructure.
Re-Plat of McCarroll Addition Phase 2 Final Plat - This is the second of two phases. Included in this phase is 13 residential lots ranging from 7,161 square feet to 13,259 square feet, all zoned RSF.
Redding Rezone - The applicant is proposing a Rezone to change the existing zoning to the parcels listed above, from Office (O-35) to Office Retail (OR).
Ricari Final Short Plat - The applicant is proposing to finalize a previously approved preliminary short plat of two lots.
River Inn Hotel - This proposal includes overall site improvements and upgrades to the west building exterior including an entry canopy and new siding.
Riverwalk Commercial - Learn about the Riverwalk Commercial renovation project from Spokane Planning & Development. Find project updates and download related documents.
Rockwood South Hill Preliminary Short Plat - The applicant is proposing to demolish an existing single family home in order to divide 1 parcel into 2 for the purpose of constructing 2 new units
Rosamond Final Short Plat - The applicant is proposing to finalize a previously approved preliminary short plat into two lots.
Safeway Preliminary City Short Plat - Applicant is proposing a 2 lot preliminary short plat to segregate out the service station portion that is currently together with the grocery store
Sconiers' II Preliminary Plat - The applicant is proposing to subdivide 2 parcels and 1 partial parcel into fifty (50) new single family residential lots.
Shoreline Master Program Periodic Update - The City is undertaking a periodic review of its Shoreline Master Program (SMP), as required by the Washington State Shoreline Management Act.
Sign Code Update - The work group will review the current code as well as staff’s proposed revisions and provide recommendations
Sinto Avenue Comprehensive Plan Amendment - A proposed amendment to Chapter 3, Map LU-1, Land Use Plan Map Amendment and a concurrent amendment to the City of Spokane Official Zoning Map.
Sister Cities Garden - Refurbishing and landscaping of portion of Riverfront Park north and west of Howard Street Bridge.
Sisters of Holy Names Final Short Plat - The applicant is proposing to final a preliminary plat, which divides roughly 36 acres of the overall 65 acre parcel into 7 lots.
Sisters of Holy Names Preliminary Short Plat - The applicant is proposing to subdivide 36 acres of an existing +/-68 parcel into seven lots with the intention to construct apartments on each lot.
Slavic Baptist Church - A request for a conditional use permit to build a new school and church facility in a Single Family Zone.
Sonneland - Learn about the Sonneland project. Find project information and download project documents.
South Gorge Trail Connection - Construct a shared-use pathway under the Monroe St. Bridge connecting Main Ave to the existing path attached to the north side of Spokane Falls Blvd
South Hill Coalition - In 2012, five South Hill neighborhoods pooled their City neighborhood planning dollars to develop a connectivity plan for all five neighborhoods.
South University District Sub-Area Planning - Planning to ensure that district growth aligns with recent infrastructure investments and the visions of key stakeholders and the community at large.
Southgate Area Development - Learn about the Southgate Area Development project from Spokane Planning & Development. Find project information and download related documents.
Southgate Neighborhood - Create a neighborhood plan that promotes a sustainable environment, social equity, a viable economy, and reflects the values of the community.
Spofford Avenue Comprehensive Plan Amendment - A proposed amendment to Chapter 3, Map LU-1, Land Use Plan Map Amendment and a concurrent amendment to the City of Spokane Official Zoning Map.
Spokane Falls CSO Tank (26) - The City is applying for a Shoreline permit to build CSO tank and public plaza adjacent to Spokane Falls Blvd.
Spokane Housing Ventures Request for Annexation - The annexation area (southeast of the City limits) consists of 12 parcels on approximately 42 acres and is a mix of developed & undeveloped property
Spokane Public Radio - Learn about the Spokane Public Radio renovation project from Spokane Planning & Development. Find project updates and download related documents.
Sundance III Force Main Replacement - This project will upgrade an existing PVC sewer force main to ductile iron pipe on Comanche Dr. from Ridge Crest Drive to Shawnee Avenue.
Tailwind Physical Therapy - Jeff and Kimber Royter are proposing a 4,000+/- square foot medical office building of up to two stories with associated parking.
Temporary Fire Station #5 - The City is requesting a CUP for the development of a temporary (3-5 years) fire station in an existing single family home.
TJ Meenach Siphon Vaults - Connects the 60" siphon to be installed with TJ Meenach Street and Stormwater Improvements to the existing 60" siphon pipe.
Touchmark Expansion Conditional Use Permit - The applicant is proposing a new Health and Fitness Facility & a new Memory Care Facility, both servicing the adjacent Touchmark community residents.
Transit Supported Development – Text Amendment - This proposal would amend the Comprehensive Plan to include one new land use policy, Policy LU 4.6 Transit-Supported Development, in Chapter 3.
Turner Mansion - The applicant seeks to place Turner Mansion into service as professional office space of approximately 10-15 offices from 150 to 750 sq ft.
Urban Farming - Amendments to the City of Spokane's Municipal Code to allow Market Gardens and small livestock keeping went into effect on May 9, 2014.
Wall Street Skywalk Variance - The applicant is requesting to exceed the one percent tolerance of angulation for the skywalk replacement over Wall Street as required by SMC.
Washington Basin Stormwater Project - The project includes replacing the water & sewer lines and installing 3 large stormwater treatment vaults & drywells to infiltrate the treated water.
West Central - The West Central Neighborhood Planning Group has completed their most recent neighborhood planning work.
West Central Community Center Garage Addition - The applicant is proposing a new 2,240 square foot, single story, garage to be placed adjacent to the east wall of the existing gym.
West Plains Subarea Planning - The City won a grant from the Dept. of Commerce to lead subarea planning efforts in the West Plains with an emphasis on capital facilities needs.
Westwood Cell Tower - Applciation for a 60 foot monopole wireless communication tower.
Yellowstone Pipeline - The applicant is proposing to install 848 ft. of new 10-inch steel petroleum products pipeline by 22 feet under the bed of the Spokane River.
Zapotocky Preliminary Short Plat - The applicant is proposing to subdivide a 13,000 square foot lot into two single family residential lots.